Frequently Asked Questions

This page will be updated as we get asked more questions! Email your question to mbyrne@coastlegal.com.au 


  1. What should I bring the first time seeing a lawyer?


  1. What can you tell me about the litigation process?
  2. What is an affidavit?
  3. What is expert evidence? (coming soon)
  4. What is an interlocutory application? (coming soon)
  5. What happens at trial? (coming soon)
  6. What happens if I win my court case and the other side doesn’t pay up? (coming soon)


  1. What is a (binding) financial agreement (BFA)? (coming soon)
  2. Can a (binding) financial agreement be set aside?

This page will be updated as we get asked more questions! Email your question to mbyrne@coastlegal.com.au